lunes, 4 de agosto de 2008

Trucos para AOM

Los mejores trucos aqui en este blog!!!!
Códigos:Para activar los trucos simplemente pulsa ENTER mientras juegos. Pon el truco y luego pulsa nuevamente ENTER:

ATLANTIS REBORN: Heroes de la expansion.
ATM OF EREBUS: Mil de oro.
BAWK BAWK BOOM: Poder para generar una lluvia de pollos.
CHANNELSURFING:Saltar al siguiente escenario de la campaña.
CONSIDER THE INTERNET: Las unidades van mas lentas.
DIVINE INTERVENTION:Te devuelve todos los poderes usados.
FEAR THE FORAGE:Te da un poder divino de arbustos de bayas caminadores.
GOATUNHEIM: Poder divino con el que conviertes en cabras a todas las unidades.
I WANT THE MONKEYS!!!!!: Un monton de monos.
IN DARKEST NIGHT:Se hace de noche.
ISIS HEAR MY PLEA: Todos los heroes de la campaña original.
JUNK FOOD NIGHT:1.000 de comida.
L33T SUPA H4X0R: Construir edificios mucho mas deprisa.
LAY OF THE LAND:Revela el mapa.
LETS GO! NOW!:Mas velocidad en el juego.
MOUNT OLYMPUS:Consigues el favor de los dioses.
MR. MONDAY:Inteligencia artificial mejor.
O CANADA:Un oso.
PANDORAS BOX:Cuatro poderes aleatorios.
RED TIDE:El agua se vuelve roja.
RESET BUTTON: Quita todos los edificios del mapa.
SET ASCENDANT:Revela todos los animales en el mapa.
THRILL OF VICTORY:Ganar el juego.
TINES OF POWER: Te da un forkboy.
TINFOIL HAT: Cambia aleatoriamente la posesion de las unidades del juego.
TITANOMACHY: Provee de un instante titan.
WRATH OF THE GODS: Poderes tormenta, terremoto, meteorito y tornado.
WUV WOO: Hipopotamo volador.
ZENOS PARADOX:Te da poderes aleatorios.

Nota:Estos trucos no funcionan en la demo del juego.

sábado, 2 de agosto de 2008

Imagenes de AOM

Aqui les tengo imagenes de las unidades egipcias de AOM (excluyendo los edificios) :

Más sobre AOM

Aqui les tengo informacion de las unidades miticas griegas:

Mythology Units

Pegasus - Detailed informationThe Pegasus is a flying scout available to all greek players at the temple. While the player starts with a scout cavalry for free, sometimes the Pegasus has tactical advantages - since it can fly - or sometimes it can be used to replace a scout that has been killed.
God: Zeus, Poseidon, HadesCreated at: TempleAge: ArchaicWeak against: Ranged units, Towers, Fortresses, Town Centers

Hippocampus - Detailed informationWhen the Poseidon player builds a dock and a temple, a Hippocampus is summoned at the dock. If killed, Hippocampus respawns at a dock.
God: PoseidonCreated at: NAAge: ArchaicWeak against: Eveyrthing

Centaur - Detailed informationCentaurs are fast and tough archers, making them good against infantry units. Their special attack is a shot that does additional damage and never misses its target - even if it is moving.
God: Hermes (Zeus, Poseidon)Created at: TempleAge: ClassicalStrong against: Infantry, Myth unitsWeak against: Heroes

Minotaur - Detailed informationThe Minotaur is a tough melee unit that is good against other melee units - including myth units - and buildings. Its special attack is head butting an enemy away from combat, stopping them from fighting for several seconds, and making them take extra damage.
God: Athena (Zeus, Hades)Age: ClassicalCreated at: TempleStrong against: Melee units, Buildings, Myth unitsWeak against: Heroes

Cyclops - Detailed informationThe Cyclops is similar to the Minotaur in that it is good against melee units and buildings - but it is slower and tougher. The Cyclops' special attack does not work on myth units, but rather the units it throws are killed instantly instead - and any units that get in the way take damage as well.
God: Ares (Poseidon, Hades)Age: ClassicalCreated at: TempleStrong against: Buildings, Tough units, Myth unitsWeak against: Heroes

Hydra - Detailed informationThe Hydra is a very tough melee unit that, every time it gains three kills, grows a new head - up to five. Each new head it grows multiplies its attack. (For example: A hydra with five heads has five times the attack of a Hydra with just one.)
God: Dionysus (Zeus, Poseidon)Age: HeroicCreated at: TempleStrong against: Melee units, Buildings, Myth unitsWeak against: Heroes

Manticore - Detailed informationThe Manticore is a tough ranged unit whose attack does spread damage. It is particularly effective against other ranged units.
God: Apollo (Zeus, Hades)Age: HeroicCreated at: TempleStrong against: Ranged unitsWeak against: Heroes

Nemean Lion - Detailed informationWith its high pierce armor and extra damage to buildings, the Nemean Lion is a good building killer - though the pierce armor helps make it effective against archers too. The Nemean Lion's special attack is a roar that does a small amount of damage to all units directly in front of it.
God: Aphrodite (Poseidon, Hades)Created at: TempleAge: HeroicStrong against: Archers, Buildings, Myth unitsWeak against: Heroes

Colossus - Detailed informationThe Colossus is quite possibly the toughest unit in the game, with a gargantuan amount of HP and armor, as well as the ability to down buildings at a very fast rate. The Colossus' special ability is consuming part of a gold mine or a tree to replenish HP.
God: Hephaestus (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades)Age: MythicCreated at: TempleStrong against: Myth units, BuildingsWeak against: Heroes

Chimera - Detailed informationThe Chimera is a melee myth unit. Its special attack is good against groups of units - it sends a fan of flames to damage all units in the area in front of it.
God: Artemis (Poseidon, Hades)Age: MythicCreated at: TempleStrong against: Human units, Myth unitsWeak against: Heroes

Medusa - Detailed informationMedusae are ranged units that are not too powerful against weak human units. However, their special attack makes them devastating to tough and powerful units - particularly myth units - for it instantly turns them to stone, which to all intents kills them instantly.
God: Hera (Zeus)Age: MythicCreated at: TempleStrong against: Myth units, tough human unitsWeak against: Heroes, swarms of weak units

Scylla - Detailed informationA naval version of the Hydra, the Scylla grows additional heads as it gains enough kills. Each head multiplies the attack of the Scylla - a Scylla with three heads has triple the attack of a Scylla with just one.
God: Dionysus (Zeus, Poseidon)Created at: DockAge: HeroicStrong against: Arrow Ships, Siege ShipsWeak against: The Argo, Ramming Ships

Carcinos - Detailed informationThe Carcinos is a tough naval myth unit. Similar to the Egyptian Scarab, when killed, it damages nearby units.
God: Hera (Zeus)Created at: DockAge: MythicStrong against: Arrow Ships, Siege ShipsWeak against: The Argo, Ramming Ships

viernes, 1 de agosto de 2008

Age of Mythology

Aqui para los fanaticos de aom les doy informacion sobre las unidades:

Hero - Detailed informationEach Greek civilization has a unique hero in each age, making a total of four. (Five with Poseidon's naval hero.) You can only build one of each hero at any time, but they are far stronger than Norse Hersir or Egyptian Priests, and if killed you can retrain them. Heroes can carry relics and they counter myth units.
Created at: Town Center, FortressAge: Archaic through MythicStrong against: Myth UnitsWeak against: Regular Units

Regular Units

Villager - Detailed informationVillagers are essential to gathering resources that will fund your army, and building structures to expand your empire. A strong empire has many villagers. In times of emergency, villagers are able fighters, but they are best left to what they do well - gathering resources and constructing buildings.
Created at: Town CenterAge: ArchaicWeak against: Everything

Hoplite - Detailed informationHoplites are the basic Greek infantry unit. They are very tough compared to other infantry, but also fairly slow. Hoplites are good against cavalry and other melee units.
Created at: AcademyAge: ClassicalStrong against: CavalryWeak against: Archers, Throwing Axemen, Hypaspists, Axemen

Toxotes - Detailed informationToxotes are the basic greek ranged unit. They are good against infantry.
Created at: Archery RangeAge: ClassicalStrong against: InfantryWeak against: Cavalry, Peltasts, Slingers, Huskarls

Hippikon - Detailed informationHippikons are the basic Greek cavalry unit. They are fast and very tough, but also expensive. Hippikons are good against archers.
Created at: StableAge: ClassicalStrong against: Archers, Throwing AxemenWeak against: Hoplites, Spearmen, Ulfsarks, Prodromos, Camels

Hypaspist - Detailed informationThe Hypaspist is the Greek infantry counter. It is very powerful against other infantry, but nothing else.
Created at: BarrracksAge: HeroicStrong against: InfantryWeak against: Archers, Throwing Axemen, Cavalry

Peltast - Detailed informationThe Peltast is the Greek archer counter. It is long ranged, and very powerful against other archers, but nothing else. Peltasts are also useful against Throwing Axemen, but not so much so as against archers.
Created at: Archery RangeAge: HeroicStrong against: Archers, Throwing AxemenWeak against: Cavalry, Infantry

Prodromos - Detailed informationThe Prodromos is Greek cavalry counter. It is fast and fairly tough, and very powerful against cavalry, but nothing else.
Created at: StableAge: HeroicStrong against: Cavalry (Including Camels)Weak against: Infantry, Archers

Myrmidon - Detailed informationUnique to Zeus. The Myrmidon is an elite Greek infantry unit with a bonus against all Norse and Egyptian units. Like regular infantry, it is best used against cavalry and other melee units.
Created at: FortressAge: MythicStrong against: Egyptian/Norse unitsWeak against: Greek units, Archers, Throwing Axemen, Axemen, Hypaspists

Hetairoi - Detailed informationUnique to Poseidon. The Hetairoi is a cavalry unit that does additional damage to buildings. Like regular cavalry, it is also effective against archers and siege weapons.
Created at: FortressAge: MythicStrong against: Buildings, ArchersWeak against: Infantry, Prodromos, Camels

Gastraphetes - Detailed informationUnique to Hades. The Gastraphetes is a very long ranged archer. Like regular archers, it is good against infantry, but its unique attribute is its strength against buildings, making it something of a siege weapon.
Created at: FortressAge: MythicStrong against: Buildings, InfantryWeak against: Cavalry

Petrobolos - Detailed informationUnlike the Norse and Egyptians, who have only a melee siege weapon in the Heroic age, the Greeks have the long ranged Petrobolos. However, the Petrebolos - while longer ranged - is inferior in its ability to bring down buildings.
Created at: FortressAge: HeroicStrong against: Buildings, ShipsWeak against: Cavalry (Or any hack damage unit)

Helepolis - Detailed informationThe Helepolis is the most powerful siege weapon in the game, both in terms of how much damage it can take, and how much damage it dishes out. However, it is slow, short ranged and expensive. Five units can garrison inside the Helepolis.
Created at: FortressAge: MythicStrong against: BuildingsWeak against: Cavalry (Or any hack damage unit)

Caravan - Detailed informationCaravans gather gold by making a trip between a market and a friendly town center. They are a good way of gaining gold once you have exhausted your gold mines.
Created at: MarketAge: HeroicWeak against: Everything

Fishing Boat - Detailed informationFishing Boats gather food from fish patches in the ocean. Like farms, fish patches are infinite, but only one fish boat can use one fish patch. Fishing is a cheaper (and once you get the two upgrades for it, much faster) source of food than farming, but harder to defend from enemies.
Created at: DockAge: Archaic.Weak against: Everything

Transport Ship - Detailed informationTransport ships carry land units over water. They are easily destroyed if not escorted by friendly units, and will lose their precious cargo if sunk.
Created at: DockAge: ClassicalWeak against: Everything, especially Archer ships

Trireme - Detailed informationThe Trireme is the Greek arrow type ship, and the most basic Greek naval unit. It counters ramming ships.
Created at: DockAge: ClassicalStrong against: Ramming shipsWeak against: Siege ships, Towers/Fortresses

Pentekonter - Detailed informationThe Pentekonter is the Greek ramming type ship, and counters siege ships. Ramming ships are also good against naval myth units.
Created at: DockAge: HeroicStrong against: Siege ships, Naval MU'sWeak against: Arrow ships, Towers/Fortresses

Juggernaut - Detailed informationThe Juggernaut is the Greek siege type ship. It not only counters arrow ships but is also effective at taking out shoreline fortifications due to its long range and high attack. (Towers and Fortresses still do bonus damage to it, however - and the Juggernaut cannot outrange defensive structures until it is upgraded into the Siege Juggernaut in the Mythic Age.)
Created at: DockAge: HeroicStrong against: Arrow ships, BuildingsWeak against: Ramming ships, Towers/Fortresses

Other Units

Kataskopos (Scout Cavalry) - Detailed informationThe Kataskopos is a unit that the Greek civilizations start the game with. It doesn't upgrade, and can't be replaced if killed. It is typically used for scouting, since it is not very good for combat.
Age: ArchaicWeak against: Everything

Militia - Detailed informationWhen Poseidon's buildings are destroyed by enemy units, Militia are created from the rubble. The more expensive the building, the more Militia created. Militia are reasonably powerful melee units, which benefit from the same upgrades as normal units.
Age: ArchaicStrong against: CavalryWeak against: Archers, Hypaspists, Throwing Axemen, Axemen

Shade - Detailed informationWhen Hades' human soldiers are killed, there is a 20% chance that a shade will appear at the player's temple. Shades are fairly weak melee units, and do not benefit from any upgrades - however they get more powerful as you advance ages.
Age: ArchaicStrong against: Human unitsWeak against: Heroes

Paren de Volar

Ustedes vuelan todos los dias a cada rato a cada minuto. PAREN DE VOLAR PORFAVOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vuelan como vacas comiendo masads

jueves, 31 de julio de 2008

Opinion sobre Mundou

Yo opino que esta bueno el foro esta muy bacan.

Si otras personas quieren opinar haganlo mediante comentarios, Gracias


Bueno aqui tienen algunos juegos por si se aburren = ??? = ??? = ??? = mario = mario = mario = ??? (juego que le gustaria a masad) = Metal Slug = mario

Eso es todo lo que tengo por ahora.


Si tienen ganas de saber trucos de algun juego porfavor preguntenme porque les voy a responder solo si hay trucos en el juego, haganlo por medio de comentarios


Hagan comentarios porfavor!!!

Mi nuevo Blog

Bueno este blog lo acabo de crear pero se va a tratar de muchas cosas por ejemplo de juegos, consolas, trucos para juegos, dibujos, etc...